



eota是欧洲技术认可组织(european organisation for technical approvals)的英文缩写,该组织由与欧盟成员国及欧洲自由贸易协议成员国提名的欧洲技术认可认证机构组成。eota的主要职责是编写eta指导方针,并负责与eta认证相关的一切活动。eota与欧洲的ec, efta, cen等组织都有紧密的联系与合作关系。


etoa是在欧盟安全ce建筑产品指令(construction products directive)89/106/ec (cpd)的背景下产生的,其目的是解除欧洲对于建筑建材产品的不同标准而导致的技术壁垒。



eta是欧洲技术认可(european technical approval)的英文缩写。 建筑建材产品的eta认证是在欧盟安全ce建筑产品指令89/106/ec (cpd)的六大基本要求的基础上,对产品对于指定应用范围的技术性能的有力证明。



the application form 产品认证申请表

description of the construction product 建筑建材类产品说明

product specifications 产品规格书

test reports 产品检测报告(如生产商曾为该产品申请检测)

drawings 产品爆炸图

the intended use of the product 产品使用说明




我司产品符合的指令为欧盟建筑产品指令(eu) 305/2011(cpr),欧盟协调标准便是用来指导产品满足指令基本要求的详细技术文件。




您的产品所涉及到的每一个指令都对是否需要由第三方公告机构来参与eta的审核有详细的规定。这些公告机构都是由欧盟委员会授权的,并在nando( 新方法指令公告机构及指定机构)的档案中有详细的清单。




制造商必须根据产品所符合指令的要求及风险评估的需要,建立产品的技术评估文件european assessment document (ead)。如果相关授权部门要求,制造商须将技术文件及ec符合性声明一起提交检查。




etag 001 - 1 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 1: anchors in general 混凝土用金属锚具-通用锚具

etag 001 - 2 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 2: torque-controlled expansion anchors混凝土用金属锚具-力矩控制膨胀锚具

etag 001 - 3 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 3: undercut anchors 混凝土用金属锚具-扩孔型锚栓

etag 001 - 3 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 3: undercut anchors 混凝土用金属锚具-扩孔型锚栓

etag 001 - 4 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 4: deformation-controlled expansion anchors混凝土用金属锚具-变形控制锚栓

etag 001 - 5 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 5: bonded anchors混凝土用金属锚具-粘结型锚栓

etag 001 - 6 - metal anchors for use in concrete - part 6: anchors for multiple use for non-structural applications混凝土用金属锚具- 符合型非结构锚具

etag 001 - 6 amendment - etag 001 - 6 amendment, metal anchors for use in concrete - part 6: anchors for multiple use for non-structural applications 混凝土用金属锚具- 符合型非结构锚具

etag 002 - 1 - structural sealant glazing systems part 1: supported and unsupported systems结构密封胶玻璃装配系统第1部分:支持和不支持的系统

etag 002 - 2 - structural sealant glazing systems part 2: coated aluminium systems结构密封胶玻璃装配系统第2部分:涂装铝系统

etag 002 - 3 - structural sealant glazing systems part 3: thermal breaks结构密封胶玻璃装配系统第3部分

etag 003 - internal partition kits for use as non-loadbearing walls用于非承重墙壁的内部分区套件

etag 004 version 08/2011 - external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering外墙外保温复合系统

etag 005 - liquid applied roof waterproofing kits液体应用的屋顶防水套件

etag 006 - systems of mechanically fastened flexible roof waterproofing membranes机械固定柔性屋面防水卷材系统

etag 007 - timber frame building kits木框架建筑套件

etag 008 - prefabricated stairs kits 预制楼梯组件

etag 009 - non load-bearing permanent shuttering kits/systems based on hollow blocks or panels of insulating materials and sometimes concrete


etag 010 - self supporting translucent roof kits自支撑透光屋顶套件

etag 011 - light composite wood-based beams and columns轻质复合木横梁和立柱

etag 012 - log building kits 原木房组件

etag 013 - post tensioning kits for pre-stressing of structures 后张预应力结构组件

etag 013 - post tensioning kits for pre-stressing of structures 后张预应力结构组件

etag 014 - plastic anchors for fixing of external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering固定外保温复合系统用塑料锚具

etag 015 - three-dimensional nailing plates三爪钉盘

etag 016 - 1 - self supporting composite lightweight panels - part one: general自支撑复合轻质板 - 第1部分:总要求

etag 016 - 2 - self supporting composite lightweight panels - part two: specific aspects relating to self-supporting composite lightweight panels for use in roofs

自支撑复合轻质板 - 第2部分:屋顶用自支撑轻质板的特殊要求

etag 016 - 3 - self supporting composite lightweight panels - part three: specific aspects relating to self-supporting composite lightweight panels for use in external

walls and claddings自支撑复合轻质板 - 第3部分:外墙用自支撑轻质板的特殊要求

etag 016 - 4 - self supporting composite lightweight panels - part four: specific aspects relating to self-supporting composite lightweight panels for use in internal

walls and ceilings自支撑复合轻质板 - 第4部分:内墙用自支撑轻质板的特殊要求

etag 017 - veture kits

etag 018 - 1 - fire protective products part 1 – general 防火产品-总要求

etag 001 - 1 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 1: anchors in general 混凝土用金属锚具-通用锚具

etag 001 - 2 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 2: torque-controlled expansion anchors混凝土用金属锚具-力矩控制膨胀锚具

etag 001 - 3 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 3: undercut anchors 混凝土用金属锚具-扩孔型锚栓

etag 001 - 3 amendment - etag 001 - 3 amendment, metal anchors for use in concrete part 3: undercut anchors混凝土用金属锚具-扩孔型锚栓

etag 001 - 4 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 4: deformation-controlled expansion anchors混凝土用金属锚具-变形控制锚栓

etag 001 - 5 - metal anchors for use in concrete part 5: bonded anchors混凝土用金属锚具-粘结型锚栓

etag 001 - 6 - metal anchors for use in concrete - part 6: anchors for multiple use for non-structural applications混凝土用金属锚具- 符合型非结构锚具

etag 001 - 6 amendment - etag 001 - 6 amendment, metal anchors for use in concrete -

part 6: anchors for multiple use for non-structural applications 混凝土用金属锚具- 符合型非结构锚具

etag 002 - 1 - structural sealant glazing systems part 1: supported and unsupported systems结构密封胶玻璃装配系统第1部分:支持和不支持的系统

etag 002 - 2 - structural sealant glazing systems part 2: coated aluminium systems结构密封胶玻璃装配系统第2部分:涂装铝系统

etag 002 - 3 - structural sealant glazing systems part 3: thermal breaks结构密封胶玻璃装配系统第3部分

etag 003 - internal partition kits for use as non-loadbearing walls用于非承重墙壁的内部分区套件

etag 004 version 08/2011 - external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering外墙外保温复合系统

etag 005 - liquid applied roof waterproofing kits液体应用的屋顶防水套件

etag 006 - systems of mechanically fastened flexible roof waterproofing membranes机械固定柔性屋面防水卷材系统

etag 007 - timber frame building kits木框架建筑套件

eag 008 - prefabricated stairs kits 预制楼梯组件

etag 009 - non load-bearing permanent shuttering kits/systems based on hollow blocks or panels of insulating materials and sometimes concrete


etag 010 - self supporting translucent roof kits自支撑透光屋顶套件

etag 011 - light composite wood-based beams and columns轻质复合木横梁和立柱

etag 012 - log building kits 原木房组件

etag 013 - post tensioning kits for pre-stressing of structures 后张预应力结构组件

etag 014 - plastic anchors for fixing of external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering固定外保温复合系统用塑料锚具

etag 015 - three-dimensional nailing plates三爪钉盘

etag 016 - 1 - self supporting composite lightweight panels - part one: general自支撑复合轻质板 - 第1部分:总要求

etag 016 - 2 - self supporting composite lightweight panels - part two: specific aspects relating to self-supporting composite lightweight panels for use in roofs

自支撑复合轻质板 - 第2部分:屋顶用自支撑轻质板的特殊要求

etag 016 - 3 - self supporting composite lightweight panels - part three: specific aspects relating to self-supporting composite lightweight panels for use in external

walls and claddings自支撑复合轻质板 - 第3部分:外墙用自支撑轻质板的特殊要求

etag 016 - 4 - self supporting composite lightweight panels - part four: specific aspects relating to self-supporting composite lightweight panels for use in internal

walls and ceilings自支撑复合轻质板 - 第4部分:内墙用自支撑轻质板的特殊要求

etag 017 - veture kits

etag 018 - 1 - fire protective products part 1 – general 防火产品-总要求

etag 018 - 2 - fire protective products part 2 - reactive coatings for fire protection of steel elements防火产品-钢结构防火涂料

etag 018 - 3 - fire protective products part 3 – renderings and rendering kits intended for fire resisting applications防火产品-防火填料

etag 018 - 4 - fire protective products part 4 – fire protective board, slab and mat products and kits防火产品-防火板、防火垫

etag 018 - 4 amendment - etag 018 - 4 amendment - fire protective products part 4 – fire protective board, slab and mat products and kits 防火产品-防火板、防火垫

etag 019 - prefabricated wood-based loadbearing stressed skin panels预制木材为基础的承重力蒙皮面板

etag 020 - 1 - plastic anchors for multiple use in concrete and masonry for non-structural applications part 1 – general混凝土及砖石结构用符合塑料锚具-总要求

etag 020 - 2 - plastic anchors for multiple use in concrete and masonry for non-structural applications part 2 - plastic anchors for use in normal weight concrete


etag 020 - 3 - plastic anchors for multiple use in concrete and masonry for non-structural applications part 3 - plastic anchors for use in solid masonry


etag 020 - 4 - plastic anchors for multiple use in concrete and masonry for non-structural applications part 4 - plastic anchors for use in hollow or perforated masonry


etag 020 - 5 - plastic anchors for multiple use in concrete and masonry for non-structural applications part 5 - plastic anchors for use in autoclaved aerated concrete


etag 021 - 1 - cold storage premises kits part 1 - cold storage room kits 冷藏室组件

etag 021 - 2 - cold storage premises kits part 2 - cold storage building envelope and building kits 冷藏室建筑组件

etag 022 - 1 - watertight covering kits for wet room floors and/or walls part 1 - liquid applied coverings with or without wearing surface

室内地板和/或墙壁用防水材料第1部分 – 地面防水液、防水涂料

etag 022 - 2 - watertight covering kits for wet room floors and/or walls part 2 - kits based on flexible sheets室内地板和/或墙壁用防水材料-

柔性防水材料tag 022 - 3 - watertight covering kits for wet room floors and/or walls part 3 - kits based on inherently watertight boards室内地板和/或墙壁用防水材料-防水板

tag 023 - prefabricated building units 预制建筑单元

etag 024 - concrete frame building kits水泥建筑框架

etag 025 - metal frame building kits 金属建筑框架

etag 026 - 1 - fire stopping and fire sealing products part 1 – general 阻燃及防火密封产品-总要求

etag 026 - 2 version 08/2011 - fire stopping and fire sealing products part 2 - penetration seals阻燃及防火密封产品-渗透密封材料

etag 026 - 3 version 08/2011 - fire stopping and fire sealing products part 3 - linear joint and gap seals阻燃及防火密封产品-线性联合间隙密封

etag 026 - 4 - fire stopping and fire sealing products part 4 - reactive and mechanical air transfer grilles (fire resistant and cold smoke control fire resistant types)


etag 026 -5 - fire stopping and fire sealing products part 5 - cavity barriers阻燃及防火密封产品-活动式机械空气转移格栅:防火隔断

etag 027 - falling rock protection kits 落石保护装置

etag 029 - metal injection anchors for use in masonry 砌体用金属注射锚栓

etag 033 - liquid applied bridge deck waterproofing kits 液体桥用防水套件

etag 034 - 1 - kits for external wall claddings - part 1: ventilated cladding kits comprising cladding components and associated fixings外墙外立面 - 第1部分:


etag 034 - 2 - kits for external wall claddings - part 2: claddings kits comprising cladding components, associated fixings, subframe and possible insulation layer

外墙外立面 - 第2部分:外立面包,包括包层组件,相关固定副车架和可能的绝缘层的套件

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